Memory Forensics With Python
Memory forensics is a crucial aspect of digital investigation, allowing analysts to examine the contents of a computer’s volatile memory (RAM) for evidence of malicious activity, hidden processes, and other valuable artifacts. Python, with its rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, has become an indispensable language for memory forensics. This article will explore practical techniques and provide code examples for performing memory forensics using Python.
Setting Up the Environment
Before we dive into memory forensics techniques, let’s set up our environment with the necessary tools and libraries.
- Install Volatility: Volatility is a powerful open-source memory forensics framework.
import subprocess
def install_volatility():["pip", "install", "volatility3"])
- Install additional Python libraries:
import subprocess
def install_dependencies():
dependencies = ["yara-python", "psutil", "matplotlib", "networkx"]
for dep in dependencies:["pip", "install", dep])
Acquiring Memory Dumps
To perform memory forensics, we first need to acquire a memory dump. Here’s a Python script to capture a memory dump on a Linux system:
import os
import psutil
def capture_memory_dump(output_file):
pid = os.getpid()
with open(f"/proc/{pid}/mem", "rb") as mem_file, open(output_file, "wb") as dump_file:
print(f"Memory dump saved to {output_file}")
For Windows systems, you can use tools like DumpIt or WinPmem, which can be automated using Python:
import subprocess
def capture_windows_memory_dump(output_file):
dumpit_path = r"C:\path\to\DumpIt.exe"[dumpit_path, "/O", output_file], check=True)
print(f"Memory dump saved to {output_file}")
Analyzing Memory Dumps with Volatility
Now that we have a memory dump, let’s use Volatility to analyze it. We’ll create a Python script that leverages Volatility’s API to perform various analysis tasks.
import volatility3
from volatility3.framework import contexts, automagic
from import pslist, netscan, malfind
def analyze_memory_dump(dump_file):
context = contexts.Context()
context.config['automagic.LayerStacker.single_location'] = dump_file
automagics = automagic.available(context), context)
# List running processes
print("Running Processes:")
for task in pslist.PsList.list_processes(context, None):
print(f"PID: {}, Name: {}")
# Network connections
print("\nNetwork Connections:")
for conn in netscan.NetScan.scan_connections(context, None):
print(f"Local: {conn.local_addr}:{conn.local_port}, Remote: {conn.remote_addr}:{conn.remote_port}, State: {conn.state}")
# Detect potential malware injections
print("\nPotential Malware Injections:")
for injection in malfind.Malfind.list_injections(context, None):
print(f"Process: {} (PID: {})")
print(f"Injection Address: {hex(injection.start)}")
This script demonstrates how to use Volatility to list running processes, network connections, and detect potential malware injections from a memory dump.
Custom Memory Analysis Techniques
While Volatility provides a robust set of analysis tools, sometimes we need to implement custom techniques. Here’s an example of searching for specific patterns in memory:
import re
import mmap
def search_memory_pattern(dump_file, pattern):
with open(dump_file, "rb") as f:
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
matches = re.finditer(pattern.encode(), mm)
for match in matches:
start = max(0, match.start() - 20)
end = min(len(mm), match.end() + 20)
context = mm[start:end]
print(f"Match found at offset {match.start()}: {context}")
# Example usage
search_memory_pattern("memory_dump.bin", r"password=\w+")
search_memory_pattern("memory_dump.bin", r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b") # Email pattern
This script searches for patterns (e.g., potential passwords or email addresses) within the memory dump and provides context around each match.
Yara Rules for Malware Detection
Yara is a powerful tool for identifying and classifying malware. Here’s an example of using Yara rules with Python to scan a memory dump:
import yara
def scan_with_yara(dump_file, rules_file):
rules = yara.compile(rules_file)
with open(dump_file, "rb") as f:
matches = rules.match(
for match in matches:
print(f"Rule matched: {match.rule}")
for string in match.strings:
print(f" String: {string.identifier}, Offset: {string.offset}")
# Example Yara rule file (malware_rules.yar):
rule potential_malware {
$suspicious_string = "CreateRemoteThread"
$encoded_command = /powershell\.exe.*-enc/
$crypto_function = "CryptDecrypt"
2 of them
rule potential_ransomware {
$encrypt_files = "*.encrypted"
all of them
scan_with_yara("memory_dump.bin", "malware_rules.yar")
This script uses Yara rules to scan the memory dump for potential malware indicators, including signs of general malware and specific threats like ransomware.
Timeline Analysis
Creating a timeline of events can be crucial in understanding the sequence of activities in a system. Here’s an example of how to create a comprehensive timeline from various memory artifacts:
from volatility3.framework import contexts, automagic
from import pslist, vadinfo, registry
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
def create_timeline(dump_file):
context = contexts.Context()
context.config['automagic.LayerStacker.single_location'] = dump_file
automagics = automagic.available(context), context)
timeline = []
# Process creation times
for task in pslist.PsList.list_processes(context, None):
if task.create_time:
timeline.append((task.create_time, f"Process created: {} (PID: {})"))
# Memory mappings
for vad in vadinfo.VadInfo.list_vads(context, None):
if vad.start:
timeline.append((vad.start, f"Memory mapped: {vad.filename} (Start: {hex(vad.start)}, End: {hex(vad.end)})"))
# Registry key last write times
for key in registry.RegistryHive.list_keys(context, None):
if key.last_write_time:
timeline.append((key.last_write_time, f"Registry key modified: {key.path}"))
timeline.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# Plot timeline
dates = [item[0] for item in timeline]
events = [item[1] for item in timeline]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))
ax.plot(dates, range(len(dates)), 'o')
for i, (date, event) in enumerate(timeline):
ax.annotate(event, (mdates.date2num(date), i), xytext=(10, 0),
textcoords="offset points", ha='left', va='center',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='yellow', alpha=0.5),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0'))
ax.set_title('Memory Forensics Timeline')
print("Timeline saved as memory_forensics_timeline.png")
This script creates a comprehensive timeline of events including process creations, memory mappings, and registry modifications. It then visualizes the timeline using matplotlib.
Memory Structure Visualization
Visualizing memory structures can help in understanding the relationships between different processes and memory regions. Here’s an example of creating a memory map visualization:
import volatility3
from volatility3.framework import contexts, automagic
from import pslist, vadinfo
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def visualize_memory_structure(dump_file):
context = contexts.Context()
context.config['automagic.LayerStacker.single_location'] = dump_file
automagics = automagic.available(context), context)
G = nx.Graph()
for task in pslist.PsList.list_processes(context, None):
G.add_node(f"PID: {}\n{}", color='lightblue', size=3000)
for vad in vadinfo.VadInfo.list_vads(context, None,
if vad.filename:
G.add_node(f"{vad.filename}\n{hex(vad.start)}-{hex(vad.end)}", color='lightgreen', size=2000)
G.add_edge(f"PID: {}\n{}", f"{vad.filename}\n{hex(vad.start)}-{hex(vad.end)}")
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=0.5, iterations=50)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
nx.draw(G, pos, node_color=[node[1]['color'] for node in G.nodes(data=True)],
node_size=[node[1]['size'] for node in G.nodes(data=True)],
with_labels=True, font_size=8, font_weight='bold')
plt.title("Memory Structure Visualization")
plt.savefig('memory_structure.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Memory structure visualization saved as memory_structure.png")
This script creates a graph visualization of processes and their associated memory regions, helping to identify relationships and potential areas of interest in the memory dump.
Automated Reporting
To streamline the analysis process, we can create an automated reporting system that combines the results of various analysis techniques:
import volatility3
from volatility3.framework import contexts, automagic
from import pslist, netscan, malfind
import yara
import json
from datetime import datetime
def generate_report(dump_file):
context = contexts.Context()
context.config['automagic.LayerStacker.single_location'] = dump_file
automagics = automagic.available(context), context)
report = {
"memory_dump": dump_file,
"processes": [],
"network_connections": [],
"potential_malware": [],
"yara_matches": []
# Process list
for task in pslist.PsList.list_processes(context, None):
"create_time": task.create_time.isoformat() if task.create_time else None
# Network connections
for conn in netscan.NetScan.scan_connections(context, None):
"local": f"{conn.local_addr}:{conn.local_port}",
"remote": f"{conn.remote_addr}:{conn.remote_port}",
"state": conn.state
# Potential malware
for injection in malfind.Malfind.list_injections(context, None):
"address": hex(injection.start)
# Yara scan
rules = yara.compile("malware_rules.yar")
with open(dump_file, "rb") as f:
matches = rules.match(
for match in matches:
"rule": match.rule,
"strings": [{"identifier": s.identifier, "offset": s.offset} for s in match.strings]
# Save report
with open("memory_forensics_report.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(report, f, indent=4)
print("Report generated: memory_forensics_report.json")
This script generates a comprehensive JSON report containing information about processes, network connections, potential malware injections, and Yara rule matches.
Memory forensics with Python offers powerful capabilities for digital investigators and security professionals. By combining tools like Volatility with custom Python scripts, analysts can uncover valuable insights from memory dumps, detect malware, and reconstruct timelines of system activity.
As you continue to explore memory forensics, consider expanding on these techniques by implementing more advanced features such as:
- Machine learning-based anomaly detection in memory patterns
- Integration with threat intelligence feeds
- Real-time memory analysis on live systems
- Cross-platform memory forensics techniques
Remember to always stay updated on the latest memory forensics techniques and tools, as the field continues to evolve alongside new technologies and threats.
graph TD A[Acquire Memory Dump] --> B[Analyze with Volatility] B --> C[Process List] B --> D[Network Connections] B --> E[Malware Detection] A --> F[Custom Analysis] F --> G[Pattern Searching] F --> H[Yara Scanning] A --> I[Timeline Analysis] A --> J[Memory Visualization] C --> K[Automated Reporting] D --> K E --> K G --> K H --> K I --> K J --> K
This mermaid diagram illustrates the workflow of a typical memory forensics analysis process using the techniques described in this article.