Python for Hackers

Python for Hackers

Disclaimer: The content provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. It is essential to respect the privacy and security of others and to use this knowledge responsibly.

Python for hackers

Network Exploitation

Bypassing Firewalls with HTTP Tunneling

Use Python to create data tunnels.

Writing Custom Packet Sniffers

Capture and analyze network traffic.

Python for Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Intercept and modify network traffic.

Automated Port Scanning with Python

Scan and map open ports programmatically.

Scripting Wi-Fi Attacks in Python

Automate Wi-Fi cracking and MITM attacks.

Python and RFID Exploitation

Interact and clone RFID signals using Python.

Abusing WebSocket Protocols with Python

Exploit real-time communication vulnerabilities.

Creating a Rogue Access Point

Intercept data by setting up fake Wi-Fi.

Python for DNS Spoofing Attacks

Redirect traffic by spoofing DNS responses.

Python for ARP Spoofing Attacks

Redirect network traffic using ARP spoofing.

System Exploitation

Building a Keylogger

Monitor and log keystrokes.

Creating a Custom Shell in Python

Execute commands and scripts remotely.

Building Python-Based RAT (Remote Access Tool)

Control systems remotely with Python.

Creating Python-Based Malware

Develop malicious software in Python.

Reverse Engineering Python Bytecode

Decompile and analyze Python applications.

Command-and-Control with Python

Create botnet communication protocols.

Bypassing Anti-Virus Detection

Evasion techniques for Python-based exploits.

Creating Polymorphic Python Malware

Change malware signatures to evade detection.

Memory Forensics with Python

Analyze memory dumps for sensitive data.

Python for DLL Injection Attacks

Inject and execute code in remote processes.

Detecting and Exploiting Python Backdoors

Find and manipulate hidden Python backdoors.

Python-Based Cryptojacking Scripts

Exploit systems for mining cryptocurrency.

Custom Python RAT for IoT Devices

Control IoT devices remotely.

Python Script for Buffer Overflow Exploits

Automate creation of buffer overflow payloads.

Python for Data Exfiltration

Steal sensitive data and bypass detection.

Python Exploits for IoT Weaknesses

Target IoT vulnerabilities for unauthorized control.

Exploiting Buffer Overflows in C with Python

Generate overflow payloads for C binaries.

Python-Based USB Exploitation

Create scripts to manipulate USB devices.

Web Application Exploitation

Exploiting APIs with Python

Identify vulnerabilities in API endpoints.

Web Scraping for Sensitive Data

Harvest critical data from websites.

Automating SQL Injection Exploits

Write Python tools for SQL injections.

Custom Python Fuzzers for Vulnerabilities

Automate testing of inputs to crash apps.

Defeating CAPTCHA with Python

Automate CAPTCHA solving processes.

Breaking Weak JWT Tokens with Python

Exploit vulnerabilities in JWT tokens.

Session Hijacking with Python

Capture and replay session cookies.

Bypassing Input Validation with Python

Exploit web apps

Cryptography and Authentication

Crafting a Brute Force Password Cracker

Automate password guessing techniques.

Encrypting and Decrypting Messages

Implement custom encryption algorithms.

Exploiting Weak Encryption with Python

Identify and crack insecure encryption schemes.

Steganography: Hiding Data in Images

Conceal messages within multimedia files.

Bypassing Authentication Mechanisms

Manipulate login systems using Python scripts.

Breaking Hash Functions with Python

Brute force weak hashes for passwords.

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Exploit weak 2FA mechanisms using Python.

Password Spraying Attacks in Python

Automate low-and-slow password attacks.

Social Engineering and Miscellaneous

Automating Social Engineering Attacks

Script phishing emails and messages.

Writing Network Worms in Python

Automate malware propagation across networks.

Evading Honeypots with Python Scripts

Detect and avoid security traps.

Automating Cloud Exploits with Python

Find and exploit misconfigured cloud services.